The 8 Best Self Care Ideas for When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed or Anxious

Oh girl, it has been quite a whirlwind. If you’re reading this, then you’ve survived 100% of your worst days.

That’s what they say right? But how do we go from surviving a pandemic, an economic recession, social injustice, and mercury in retrograde to thriving in the second half of the year? And did I mention the killer hornets? Yes, it has been a stressful year to date but there are so many things to be grateful for. One thing that we can absolutely say we’re blessed to have are these 8 selfcare ideas. Because we all get overwhelmed and anxious from time to time.

 1. Drink Decaf Tea

One of the worst things you can do when you’re feeling anxious is fuel up with caffeine. Not only does it make you jittery, but if you’re more sensitive to it, it can actually make you feel like your heart is going to pop right out of your chest. Babe, this is not the time for hospital visits, am I right? We recommend a soothing tea like chamomile, peppermint, or apple cinnamon. Not only will it help to calm your nerves, but it can also help bring down your blood pressure. In these crazy times, there’s nothing better than slowing down with a nice cup of tea and a good book.

2. Feng Shui Your Work or Living Space

You’ve either been home for 3 months or working non-stop. Either way, we’re not judging if your place is looking like Hurricane Irma just came through. Yes, we’ve all been there and it’s not pretty. Having all that clutter can really mess with your mental health. Take some time to clean up your space. Start small by cleaning out a drawer or small closet and do it little by little if need be. Once you’ve gone all Marie Kondo, spruce up your space with aromatherapy candles or oil diffusers. You can also try adding some house plants or opening a window to freshen up any stuffy room. And because it’s summertime, let in a little sunlight to brighten things up. Because you’re basically a houseplant with more complicated emotions.

 3. Focus on Your Beauty Routine

Why is it that when we are stuck at home for any given time, we act like bears who’ve been hibernating all winter? We don’t shave our legs, our hair goes unwashed for awkwardly long amounts of time, and we wear the same sweatpants over and over again. It’s not just us, right? Whatever you’re guilty of, we’re here to remind you that now more than ever, you have got to take care of your beauty routine. First thing’s first, stay on top of your oral healthcare routine! Don’t overlook brushing those pearly whites just because you’re hanging at home. What most people don’t know is that there is a direct link between the health of your teeth and not only the health of your body but your mental health too! Since you’re in the bathroom, why not work on your skincare routine? Give yourself a DIY facial with some hot towels and an exfoliating scrub. And don’t forget to moisturize! We want you to the be the glowing queen that you are. So bring your beauty routine full circle with a hair mask. Give your heat tools a break and let your hair down, literally! You’ll be feeling like yourself in no time.

 4. Take a Bath or Hot Shower

Have you ever had a day where you were so overwhelmed you wanted to disappear? You’re tired, a little moody, and quite frankly, you need some alone time. What better way to get some relief than taking a hot bath or shower? Not only will it help with overwhelm, it can also relieve muscle tension, lower blood pressure, and help you to breathe easier. Girl, we’ve all had those days. We recommend lowering the lights, adding in a luxurious bath bomb or shower steamer, and getting a little break from the world.

 5. Unplug

We live in a very fast paced world which makes being a boss babe that much harder. Between emails, texts, and social media, there’s some serious information overload going on. We recommend taking a day (or more) off from social media to unwind. Doing this as a regular practice can have such positive effects on your mental health. And trust us girl, you’re not missing much! While you’re practicing unplugging, replace that screen time with some evening reading. Getting rid of the excess blue light and shutting away the world at night can help you to sleep much better. And better sleep is always beneficial when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Now, we know that this isn’t always possible, so if you can’t unplug completely, try taking breaks by putting your phone on do not disturb mode. You can check your phone at designated times so you’re in control. Whichever option you choose, this is a must do to help reduce feelings of anxiety and overwhelm on a daily basis.

 6. Talk About It

Sometimes when we’re feeling stressed, it’s best to take time to talk about what’s bothering you. Turn to a trusted friend or loved one about what’s stressing you out. They don’t have to have the answer, but having someone listen and be there for you can be a huge help. If you’re in need of more guidance, turning to professional like a licensed therapist or a pastor at church can work wonders. There are even options like Better Help that have online services if you’re not able to find them close by. For some girls, the best way to get something off your chest is to write it down daily. Journaling can be an effective way to talk about your feelings without having to go directly to others. You can even make it more fun and artistic by using a bullet journal and adding in fun sketches or doodles. Whatever it is, a little girl talk is exactly what the doctor ordered.

 7. Make Sure You’re Eating

Hell hath no fury like the girl who’s HANGRY. We know how easy it is to skip out on a meal when you’re so busy working. You know you need to stop to eat but you have got to finish up before your deadline. And when your boss is depending on you, it makes it that much more important. But girl, you have got to make sure you’re eating. And not just eating, but eating right. Even if you’re grabbing a quick bite to eat, if you’re not fueling your body with the right nutrients, you’ll be back at square one in no time. So first thing’s first, cut down on the fast food and get a good meal in. If you don’t have time to stop, make sure to have healthy snacks on hand that will keep you going. Of course, each diet is different but packing some Emerald Nuts or a Kind bar will go a lot further for you and keep your mind going strong until you’re able to get in a full meal. Once you’ve powered through your workday, you’ll have enough energy to enjoy a treat. Maybe bake up your favorite cookie or brownie recipe to celebrate the mental clarity you had all day? Just remember to eat well and feel good!

 8. Take a Break

Babe, we know firsthand how stressful it can be trying to live your best life. Sometimes, you have to remind yourself to take a break in the midst of all the chaos. One simple way to do so is to take just 10 minutes to meditate or pray. With apps like Calm or Spotify, you can do a guided meditation that will get you back on track to finish out the day strong. If you’re feeling anxious, go for a quick walk. Moving your body will relieve some of the stress and can even give you the opportunity to clear your head. You can go someplace quiet and take the time to recharge. Take some deep breaths and really concentrate on all the positive things you have to look forward to. Afterall, we can all use a little break every now and then.


There are so many things in life that can stress us out. What’s more important is remembering how blessed we all are and practicing gratitude. When you’re feeling like things are a little too heavy, remember these 8 selfcare ideas. Take a shower, eat a snack, or go for a walk. You’ll find that they’ll help you find peace, even for just a moment.


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