How to Be a Boss Babe
We’ve all heard the term Boss Babe by now. But what does it actually mean to be a Boss Babe and how do we get there? According to Urban dictionary, a Boss Babe “knows what she wants and goes for it. She's in charge of her life and makes no apologies or excuses for who she is.” Sounds pretty good, right? With gurus like Rachel Hollis and Jenna Kutcher, it can seem easier said than done. That’s why we came up with these 8 tips on how to be a boss babe.
1. Have a Morning Routine
When it comes to being a boss, there’s nothing more important than starting your day off right. Let’s get real, there’s no way you can effectively lead your tribe if you’re waking up late and scrambling to get going. We can’t stress enough the importance of waking up early, getting active, and fueling your body. That means no snooze button, girl! Interested in more tips? Stay tuned for our next blog on the Boss Babe’s Morning Routine Do’s and Don’ts!
2. Drink Plenty of Water
Since we mentioned fueling your body, one of the best ways you can do it is by drinking plenty of water. No only does it help keep you hydrated which helps all of your other systems work at full speed, it also helps your skin! Who doesn’t want that goddess like glow? Not to mention, when you’re well hydrated, your mind works much better which means even more brilliant ideas that we just know you’re chalk full of.
3. Show Up Prepared
If you’re looking to dominate the corporate world, it’s so important to show up to your meetings ready to go. As Sheryl Sandberg says, we need to lean into the table and share our ideas in the male dominated workforce. As a golden rule, you should take twice as long to prepare for you meetings than the actual meeting itself. So if you’re going into a 30 minute zoom call with your boss, take an hour to get your notes together so you can show off your skills and get those brownie points.
4. Have a Uniform or Go-To Outfit
We all love to look good, right? By having a go-to outfit or “uniform” readily available, you’re sure to walk in looking fabulous any day of the week! Don’t get us wrong, we’re all about cute outfits and making sure we look like the fashion authority of our office. Having a go-to outfit helps when you’re undecided on what to wear or if you do have a day when you’re running behind. Our tip? Have something that’s clean and chic that you can throw on in a pinch. Just make sure it’s something you’ve worn so you feel confident when you rock it.
5. Know When to Speak Up
If you want to be a boss babe, it’s important to know when you should speak up. All too often, we’re afraid to say anything due to the fear of sounding dumb. Yes, girl, we’ve all been there. Don’t doubt your brilliance! If you’re too afraid to share your ideas, you could be holding yourself back from greatness. Even if your idea is received with constructive criticism, it’s an opportunity for you to learn and get more comfortable. You never know when one of your pitches is so well received that you’re asked to spearhead the next big project!
6. Know When to Say No
When you’re young and eager to grow, it’s so easy to take on more than you can handle. Especially when you’re trying to impress your boss or are aiming for a promotion. The truth is, it’s better to use your time effectively for the projects you can handle vs. taking on every little thing. When you say yes to everything, you put yourself at risk of burning out. This will have the opposite effect of what you’re intending and can put your performance at risk. It’s okay to be assertive and say no. Not quite sure how? Start with small requests and instead of flat out saying no, help come to a resolution that doesn’t require your focus. Those asking will be glad that you helped them and you’ll get the confidence to be more assertive.
7. Master Your Skillset
It’s so important to grow your skillset as you grow in your career. There’s nothing that kills creativity or drive more than feeling stagnant in whatever stage of life you’re in. That’s why it’s a must to continue learning and refining your craft. Not only will it help you gain more experience, but it also helps to solidify what you do know which will help with your confidence. It’s so powerful to see your growth from when you just started to where you can be a year later. Not sure where to start? YouTube is a great free resource to learn just about anything. If you’re looking for inexpensive courses, Udemy has great sales that allow you to learn for as little as $10 a course. Don’t wait, babe! Your future Boss Babe depends on it.
8. Manage your Time
You can’t be a boss until you learn to manage your time. Some days it can feel like there’s just not enough of it and that our lives a one big mess. That’s why you have to learn proper time management. We recommend time blocking or scheduling out your day so you can account for each task. The key to this is making sure you’re giving yourself enough time to complete each task and not overfilling your schedule. Another great tip is to revamp your to-do list and put the most important things at the top and tackling those first. And of course, there’s batch working which is the process of focusing on one specific task and completing all the upcoming related tasks at once. Whether you pick one or all of these, they’re sure to help you get it together.
We know you’re striving for greatness, girl. And we’re here to support your 100% throughout your journey. Follow these tips and you’re sure to see some great improvements in your life and career. Looking for more tips? Stay tuned for our next couple of blogs featuring our Morning Routine Do’s and Don’ts as well as the perfect Wardrobe Staples for Young Women.
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